ISPE Boston Women in Pharma

ISPE Boston Women in Pharma® Intake Form

We are grateful for your interest in the ISPE Boston Area Chapter's Women in Pharma® Committee. In order to make the most of your time we would like to understand the level you would like to participate in the group and tailor communications to you.

Personal Information

Please enter your contact information below. Note: we will not share your contact info outside of ISPE Boston.
Note that membership in the Women in Pharma® subcommittee is a benefit for ISPE members.

Tell us if you are interested in:

Click all that apply
Joining the Planning Committee for Boston of Women in Pharma®?
Approx. level of commitment: Attend Monthly planning meetings/calls, Assist in planning events, Attend majority of WIP Events, etc.
Day of Event Volunteer?
Approx. level of commitment: on the day of the event to arrive early and/or stay late to support in your assigned role
Please select the types of communications from Boston Women in Pharma that you would prefer:
Click all that apply
We greatly appreciate your interest in joining Women in Pharma® and sincerely hope to get to you know you better through Boston WIP!