What Refills Your Cup/Plate? ISPE Leaders Reveal their Favorite Ways to Re-charge & De-Stress!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On November 29, 2021
During the holiday season, it’s easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed with family, money, work, and just life in general. It’s beginning to feel like winter now, and although we plan to exercise and eat healthy, it always becomes more difficult when we start hibernating inside and eating those left-over Thanksgiving pies or the holiday cookies. We can get so busy scrambling around to get everything done, forgetting that this time of year is when it is most important to take the time to appreciate what we have and embrace those who enrich our lives – both professionally and personally. Taking a moment to sit down and relax with your partner or friend for a cup of coffee and a nice chat, laying out your yoga mat for a quick 20-minute workout or stretching session, or just watching a movie snuggled up with your beloved pet are all activities that can go a long way when it comes to re-charging our batteries and staying mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy.
We’ve asked our ISPE leaders and committee members to reflect on some of their favorite activities and ways to ‘refill their cups and plates’ to restore some balance to their crazy busy lives and keep putting their best foot forward! Some of our responses include:
“When I think about refilling my cup and recharging, I think about spending quality time with my boyfriend and my brother, curling up on the couch with my dogs while watching a movie that I don’t have to think too deeply about (think the 1999 cult classic ‘The Mummy’ or just about any of the Harry Potter movies), and spending time in the kitchen cooking.” – Yolanda McLean, Alnylam
“When I think of re-charging my batteries, my go-to activities include daily walks with my wife, early morning golf outings before I begin the workday, trail hiking with my wife and daughter, listening to a Pink Floyd/Classics Rock playlist while driving to explore a new city, spending quality time with my family skiing/snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and relaxing at our ski home near Sunday River; and watching the Patriots win! – George Skillin, Spark Therapeutics
I enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, my boyfriend, and friends; taking time for a long walk-in nature with a hot cup of coffee and my two dogs and doing some yoga even if it is just for 15 minutes lying on my mat and breathing. – Caren Jenkins, CRB Group
Spending time with my dogs, working out, cooking, monthly girls’ day with friends, traveling & sunshine, and setting boundaries to make “me” time. – Toni Dupell, DPS Group
Singing with my band, spending time with my animal welfare groups – and all the animals, visiting my best friend’s farm in CT, dinner out or in with friends, and coffee! – Cara Zipoli, Ultragenyx
Golfing, watching my son play hockey, going out to eat/drink with friends, attending professional sporting events, guys trips, living in the moment. — Aaron Bober, CRB Group
My current fall/winter list includes heat (fires, bikram yoga, hot drinks, hot tubs), listening to my daughters laugh together, visiting a favorite restaurant or person, and new experiences. — Shannon DeMello, CAI.
Mine would be my son’s smile, travel just to visit book shops, drumming, and my purposeful, meaningful, & fulfilling job. — Fauzia Amuda
A few for me are spending time with friends and family, exercising, getting out into nature, and skiing. — Caroline Rufo
A few things for me: Family movie night, getting out into nature either hiking or cross-country skiing, date night, coffee chat with a friend, a weekend power nap (naps aren’t just for toddlers 😊) — Katie Leitch, Alexion
A few things that fill my cup up and recharge me are taking boxing classes (working out), shopping!!!, spa day (pedicure/manicure to relax), spending time with my family with my phone on ‘do not disturb’, and beach in summer. — Brooke Cote, Elemental Machines
What fills my cup/plate? Getting together with friends and family to share stories and laughter, cooking, and decorating for the holiday season, AND yes, I am that person that listens to Christmas music before Thanksgiving!! — Kathy Marini, CRB Group
For me it’s date night with my husband, having my girls come home and cooking them a meal they loved as kids, followed by a good competitive board game, sleeping in one day on the weekend (when the dogs let us), watching the snow fall when we have nowhere to go, and wine night with besties 😊 — Kim Muro, G-Con Manufacturing
For my mental and physical recharges, I enjoy short walking or jogging around my neighborhood. One can enjoy the seasonal changes and admires the wonder of nature through our green trees & landscape. It is important to open your mind and thought through the aimless walk of leisure, while discovering solutions to many daily issues that you previously had no answers for. — Sunny Tam, PhD., Framingham State University
Thank you to our board leaders and committee members for your responses to make this blog post come together. We are grateful to all our members, sponsors, and friends for their continued support of the ISPE Boston Area Chapter! Wishing everyone health and happiness during the holiday season.