Welcome New Members February 2023!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On March 6, 2023
We would like to introduce the Members who joined ISPE in February 2023, welcome them to the Chapter and encourage them (and all our members) to take advantage of the many professional development, networking and information resources available through ISPE. Fellow ISPE members are a terrific resource for help with everyday professional challenges. And the ISPE Membership Directory is a great way to connect with fellow ISPE members. We encourage all members, current and new, to get involved with the Chapter’s many committees, educational programs, and social activities. Visit our website for more information and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for up-to-date information on our industry, Chapter activities and much more. And to all our members, we value your input, so please email us at office@ispeboston.org with your feedback and questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Lauren Andrews, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Josiah Atkin
Hyerim Ban, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Irene Braginskaya, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Joshua Burlingame, AbbVie Bioresearch Center
Emily Cleven
Houston Cote, Novo Nordisk US Bio Production Inc.
Nisha Dave, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Peter Doig, Pfizer
Francis Dolan V, Middlesex Community College
Voke Dortie
Patrick Flynn, Replimune
Jeffrey Gerstein, IPS
Mike Good, CAI
Stasha Greenalch, BW Kennedy & Co.
Maria Ivanova
Anika Joglekar, Boston University
Nitin Joglekar, Boston University
Michael Johnson, CGMPnow
Melanie Justice, Northeastern University
Philip Kendall
Robert Kenny, Moderna Therapeutics
Steven Kha, CAI
Jae Kim, Repligen Corporation
Bharat Kirthivasan
Joan Kisembo, Moderna Therapeutics
Stefan Koch, Frontwell Solutions
Ryan Koppes, Northeastern University College of Engineering
Linda Lauzier, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc
Marissa Lemus Reynoso, Northeastern University
Scott Lessard, AM Technical Solutions
Evan Macksoud, Moderna
David Maglaya, Moderna Therapeutics
James Marasi, Johns Hopkins University
David Matheus
Kathleen McClellan, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Adam McNair, E-Volve Systems
Rajesh Misra, KPMG LLP
Dennis Murphy
Xierzhati Mushajiang
Rhonah Nangonzi, Middlesex Community College
Hanna Oh
Autumn Ollice, CAI
Courtney Platzman, AIS
Renato Queiroz, CCRI
Danisha Ramirez
Patricia Romano Vargas, Middlesex Community College
Rebecca Schoenherr, Lonza Biologics Inc
Vanessa Souza Heinen
Samuel Spurlock, CAI
Jacob Swartz, Commissioning Agents Inc
Cody Thompson, PCI
Morgan Tienhaara
Christian Trippe, Oxford Biomedica Solutions
Deniz Unal, CAI
Myra Villasin-Astorga, Kymanox
Emily Wakelin
Angela Williams, Summit 317 Solutions Inc.
Qiaobing Xu, Tufts University
Min Zeng, University of Massachusetts Amherst