Welcome New Members April 2021!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On May 4, 2021
We would like to introduce the Members who joined ISPE in April 2021, welcome them to the Chapter and encourage them (and all of our members) to take advantage of the many professional development, networking and information resources available through ISPE. Fellow ISPE members are a terrific resource for help with everyday professional challenges. And the ISPE Membership Directory is a great way to connect with fellow ISPE members. We encourage all members, current and new, to get involved with the Chapter’s many committees, educational programs and social activities. Visit our website for more information and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for up-to-date information on our industry, Chapter activities and much more. And to all of our members, we value your input, so please email us at office@ispeboston.org with your feedback and questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Michel M. Awadalla, DPS Engineering
Stephane Batton, J. Calnan and Associates
Lakshmi M. Boppana, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc
Brian Burns, DECCO INC.
Michael Cafro, SLAM
Christopher Campbell, Sarepta Therapeutics
Mr. Seth A. Cawoski, Gilbane Building Co – Boston, MA
Kara Goodwin, DPS Group
Eric Jacob Johnson, NextCure
Mr. Vaibhav Kshirsagar, IMA Life North America Inc
Kelly Kurlbaum, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Mrs. Joanne H. Lewenstein, BlueBird Bio
Larry McDermott
Wade McGilvray
Mr. Donald R. Normandin,
Andrew O’Keeffe, Foundation Medicine, Inc.
Mr. Michael Sheehan, DPS Engineering
Ms. Emily Sperini, SLAM
Mr. Michael Sullivan
Mr. John David Townsend, Northstar-PRES
Eric J. Ward, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc
Amy Williams, Skellig