Welcome New Members!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On February 4, 2019
We would like to introduce the Members who joined ISPE in January 2019, welcome them to the Chapter and encourage them (and all of our members) to take advantage of the many professional development, networking and information resources available through ISPE. Fellow ISPE members are a terrific resource for help with everyday professional challenges. And the ISPE Membership Directory is a great way to connect with fellow ISPE members. We encourage all members, current and new, to get involved with the Chapter’s many committees, educational programs and social activities. Visit our website for more information and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for up-to-date information on our industry, Chapter activities and much more. And to all of our members, we value your input, so please email us at office@ispeboston.org with your feedback and questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Aayush P. Agarwal, Northeastern University
Keanu N. Aguirre, University of Connecticut
Sarah Aladwani, Northeastern University
Deema Alamoudi, Northeastern University
Ibrahim Nather AlMusawi, University of New Hampshire
Peter Arsenault, BW Kennedy & Co.
Miss Anushree Bajpai, Northeastern University
Jessica Beyer, Brammer Bio
Hayden Casassa
Dongyu Chen, Northeastern University
Ann D’Ambruoso, Applikon Biotechnology
Theresa Edick, Boston Analytical
Carly M. Evans, Akebia
Elizabeth Flaherty, DPS
Kristen Flansburg, AM Life Sciece
Troy J. Ganz, Northeastern University
Peter A. Gelinas
Jeremy Goldstein, Northeastern University
Kyle Lindsey Jay, DPS
Fengqing Jiang, Northeastern University
Kevin Kao, Alkermes
Monica Kavarthapu, Northeastern University
Karthik Krishnadevarajan, Lewa Process Technologies Inc
Trinh Anh Le, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Nicolas Leighton, Albireo Energy
Zejun Li, Northeastern University
XINBO LUO, Northeastern University
Adam Lyons, Northeastern University
Kathryn Delia MacDonald
Connor J. McCarthy, Brammer Bio
Tom Musacchia
Jordan Lin Myers, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Zil Parekh, Northeastern University
Priti Patel
Raeka B. Patel, Northeastern University
Tao Pham, Azzur Group LLC
Tanapol Phewpun
Dr. Michael Philbrook, Seres Therapeutics
Harshitha Pidikiti, Northeastern University
Joseph Piotti, Wave Life Sciences
Arundhati Ramani, Brammer Bio
Madhumitha Ravikumar, PhD, Bristol Myers Squibb
Hunter Robillard, Steriline SRL
Jacqueline Saldana, Northeastern University
Sameer Duddu Sarma, Tufts Univeristy
Matthew Schmidt, Lantheus Medical Imaging
Dr. Christine Seymour, Pfizer Inc
Aayushi H. Shah, Northeastern University
Jeelan Shaker, DPS
Xinyi Shao
James Sinoimeri, Northeastern University
Aishwarya Srivastava
Brian Taylor, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Tunahan Tunalioglu, Northeastern University
Jenisha Vora, Northeastern University
Brian Edward Williams
Scott Williams, Process Control Solutions Inc.
Wensheng Yang
Qi Yao, Northeastern University
Olga Zhuk
Jonathan A. Zywusko