Update Your Clean Room Knowledge with Industry Pros
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On September 16, 2020
Join us at our next webinar on September 24, 12-1 pm, with presentations by two industry experts followed by a live Q&A session. This program is perfect for professionals working in validation, quality control, quality assurance, operations, cleanroom management, regulatory affairs or production and those who test and monitor cleanroom environmental conditions, airflow and the accuracy of room pressure requirements. And it’s free for ISPE members!
Comparing Manual Manometer Testing to Room Pressure Monitors with Michael Soper, Setra Systems: In Certified environments, HVAC systems are an important part of managing clean air to minimize airborne contaminants. Maintaining reliable and sufficient room differential pressure keeps people safe and processes clean. But can you trust the readings you see on room pressure monitors and building management systems? Are they accurate? When you test with a handheld manometer and it differs from wall-mounted units, which one do you believe?
Handheld manometers and room pressure monitors can have differing core technologies; either hot-wire anemometer or capacitive transducer. Both can be extremely accurate but only if purchased with the best accuracy available and well maintained. Spend the extra money for the best accuracy of each technology. For wall-mounted room pressure monitors, clean hot-wire sensors and recalibrate transducers at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Then, in the field when you are comparing your manometer to the monitor, you will have the best chance to get readings that are similar.
Contamination Control Strategies: Case Studies with Jim Polarine, STERIS: Having a successful contamination control program is paramount to having a high level of control in your cleanroom operation. This webinar will cover recent case studies in the industry related to fungal and bacterial spores in cleanrooms. Fungal spore case studies will focus on commonly isolated fungal spores in the cleanroom. Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Acremonium case studies will be covered in detail.
Bacterial spores are an issue in cleanrooms as well and having a successful contamination control strategy is needed to control bacterial spores from ingress into the facility. Sporicidal applications and frequencies will be covered to control outbreaks of bacterial spores in the cleanroom operation. Bacillus cereus and Bacillus sphaericus case studies will be discussed. The overall long-term objective is to have an approach that is proactive to address any potential future excursions that may occur.
Many thanks to our presenters, Meeting Manager Charlie Maher of CAI and webinar sponsors Boston Analytical, ICQ and Masy Bioservices.
Click here to register by the deadline of 5pm, Wednesday, September 23.