Episode 20 – Hon. Prof. Tom Chittenden and the Potential and Challenges of AI in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Posted by Samir Gondalia
- On March 26, 2024

My guest today is Hon. Prof. Dr. Tom Chittenden, but he prefers to go by Tom.
He is the Chief Scientific Officer and President of R&D at BioAI Company and leads scientific research operations and ongoing development and implementation of the BioAI Health PREDICT-X Drug Discovery and Development platform.
Tom Chittenden is an Honorary Professor of AI in Biomedicine at Queen Mary University of London. His research has been published in top-tier scientific journals, including Nature and Science. Tom is regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on causal AI in the biomedical sciences. Over the past decade, he has directed commercially successful computational teams in several globally relevant areas, including multimodal AI/ML strategies for cardio vascular disease, cancer, COVID-19, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s diseases. In 2019, he was named among the top 100 Pioneers in Drug Discovery and Advanced Healthcare by Forbes Magazine.
As a professor, he has taught at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and MIT. He holds multiple Doctorates in Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology and Computational Statistics.
In this fascinating talk, Tom and I discuss the real potential and challenges in the AI space, how it’s going to affect the future of the Pharmaceutical industry, and what you can do about it.
Here’s Honorary Professor Tom Chittenden.