EDEI Panelists Tie Diversity to Business Success
- Posted by Eric Felz
- On April 8, 2021
On February 24, the Chapter’s newly formed Ethnocultural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (EDEI) Committee held its kick-off event and panel discussion via Zoom webinar. This panel discussion covered how companies should be fostering a more diverse workforce and why diversity within a company makes good business sense. Our panel of speakers included: Dr. John Armendariz, Vice Provost for institutional diversity & Inclusion at Northeastern University (NU); Dr. Elizabeth Zulick, Director of the Lowell Institute School at NU; Dean Richard Harris, Assistant Dean and Director of NU Programs in Multicultural Engineering (NUPRIME); and Dr. Richard O’Bryant, Director of the John D. O’Bryant African American Institute. The event was moderated by our committee volunteer Dr. Martin Kimani, Associate Director of Process Sciences at Sarepta Therapeutics.
This was an exciting event and different from any previous Boston Area Chapter event, with a panel of speakers bringing decades of experience around diversity, inclusion and equity. The attendees were active, peppering the panel with questions, and our panelists delivered thought-provoking and effective resources (see full list below). Panelists explained the correlation between diversity and success within companies and shared tips around why all companies should care about diversity in this industry: it is clear that it makes good business sense.
The panel discussed some of the major programs they work with and what actionable steps others can take to be involved. Overall, attendees left with a better understanding of some of the diversity challenges within our industry, what initiatives are currently underway to address these challenges, and what resources attendees can use to help support difficult conversations within their own companies.
Thank you to our kick-off event sponsor, Delta Project Management, for their support of this webinar. We hope you’ll join us at our next event, slated for late Spring.
Check out the list of resources from our panelists below:
Prof. Richard O’Bryant:
- https://www.northeastern.edu/aai/programs/
- Ujima undergrad scholarships
- MLK grad scholarship
- Community inspired programs
- Corporate student recruiting ‘Night at the Institute’
Prof. Elizabeth Zulick:
- https://cps.northeastern.edu/academics/schools-centers/lowell-institute-school/programs/
- NSF funded scholarship
- Learn and earn job placement model
Prof. Richard Harris:
- https://coe.northeastern.edu/about/coe-diversity/northeastern-university-programs-in-multicultural-engineering/
- Louis Stokes Alliance for minority participation programs
- Summer bridge
- STARS bridge to Doctorate program
- GEM fellowship
- Shared additional extensive content via chat
Prof. John Armendariz:
- Internal NEU
- Grad student Resources: visit https://provost.northeastern.edu/resources/graduate-students/
- undergrad student resources: https://provost.northeastern.edu/resources/undergraduate-students/
- current and future faculty: https://provost.northeastern.edu/resources/faculty/
- External to NEU:
- REU program sponsorship from corporate level – see NSF sponsored REU: https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/
- Community engagement: https://nupdboard.northeastern.edu/#_ga=2.251155648.755633445.1616170111-905161560.1593610640
To watch a recording of the webinar, go to: ISPE Boston’s Ethnocultural Diversity & Inclusion Kick-Off Panel Discussion
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