Congratulations to our Janet Tice Distinguished Volunteer of the Year: Laura Berberian!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On August 25, 2022
This year’s Janet Tice Distinguished Volunteer of the Year goes to Laura Berberian!
Laura joined the ISPE Boston Product Show Committee as part of the Career Fair Sub-committee in 2016 and her engagement and commitment has been exemplary ever since. The Career Fair has grown from a small part of the Annual Product Show to an attraction and Laura moved it beyond that to an entire Professional Development landing. She has consistently looked for and pursued, not only ways to grow, but actively pursued them and driven them to completion.
In her current role as Vice Chair of the Product Show Committee, Laura has continued this striving for success. One thing that has always stood out is Laura’s willingness to reach out to people and companies outside of meetings to connect and make sure projects keep moving forward. As the ultimate team player, she brings people together every step of the way. This year, along with her role in the Product Show Committee, she also spearheaded an incredibly successful “post-covid” education event at ElevateBio’s Basecamp, a 2021 FOYA Award Recipient.
As we look forward to another outstanding Product Show on September 21, we want to say “Thank You” to Laura for all she has done this year and in years past to continue to make the ISPE Boston Area Chapter a force for good in the pharmaceutical industry.
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