Career Development – How to Get Started
- Posted by sprice
- On March 1, 2017
Career development in the biotech/pharma industry is very exciting and full of opportunities. One reason is because the industry has many facets to it – it attracts scientists, doctors and engineers, as well as business professionals in sales, marketing and general administration. The other reason is because many people in the biotech/pharma industry are energetic self-starters, whether they are new to industry or have moved into biotech/pharma from another industry. It’s also an industry that’s passionate about patients and it’s very rewarding to be a part of bringing a drug to market that helps others. No wonder so many of us are dedicated to our jobs and interested in doing more.
Propelling your career forward requires harnessing your personal dedication and energy to do more into a focused intention and informed direction. Developing your career requires interaction with and input from other professionals, no doubt, but the true continuous driver and initiation comes from within.
The hardest part about realizing your career development goal is the ongoing discipline and perseverance required to see your plan through to completion. And, as you probably guessed, career development is never really “complete.” There is always more to learn and there are always more fun challenges to try, always more goals to set for oneself. The time and effort required to actively pursue your goals are an investment in your future and happiness, which makes it very worthwhile.
Resources and venues for gathering information to inform your career development plan are in abundance in our Boston Area ISPE Chapter. The Chapter is full of magnanimous, seasoned professionals enthusiastic about sharing their professional experiences and giving back to the community and their peers. The Chapter offers many opportunities for this kind of interaction:
- Networking social events
- Educational events
- Volunteering
- Event planning
- Outreach programs
- Mentoring program
To prepare yourself for getting the most out of your interactions and participation in these various venues, you can start by asking yourself some of the following questions:
- What are your strengths?
- What kinds of things do you like to do?
- What do you like about your current job?
- What do you wish was different about your current job?
- What drives you/rewards you?
- What resonates with you?
- What are you interested in learning about?
- What are your needs in a job?
- What level of independence are you looking for?
We here at the Boston Area Chapter are interested in hearing from you. Contribute to the “Career Tools” section of this blog by sharing:
- A success story describing a career development plan you made so others can learn from you and gain confidence in moving forward with their own initiatives.
- How did you find the job that you love?
- What advice do you have for others?
- If you are new to the industry or are looking to further your career, what questions do you have?
Hopefully, your stories and questions will inspire others to share their career advice and help launch a fruitful dialogue. Happy career development!