Student Winner Praises Poster Competition
- Posted by Kinza Hussain
- On May 3, 2018
If I could describe my experience at the ISPE Poster Competition in three words, they would be: exhilarating, engaging and enlightening. The event was held at WPI in Worcester, about an hour from where I live in Boston. For those of us commuting to Worcester from Boston, ISPE offered reimbursement for a car rental, train or uber. I appreciated this whole-heartedly – all I had to do was make my research poster and show up!
Undergrad winner Kinza Hussain of MCPHS with her poster.
Upon arriving at WPI, we set up our posters in the lobby, perused one another’s research, asked questions and enjoyed delicious Mediterranean snacks. The other students competing were extremely friendly and came from all over including UNH, Tulane, Northeastern and MCPHS University. We also had a chance to network with ISPE members, WPI professors and pharmaceutical industry professionals who were there to attend a ISPE educational program.
Students presented their posters to the judges one by one, in two groups, one for undergrads and one for grad students. My throat got drier and drier as my turn approached – I was nervous the judges might be critical or intimidating. However, when I entered the conference room and stood before them with my poster, I was received by smiling faces. Two of the five judges got up to read my poster up close before I began my five-minute presentation. Before I knew it, it was over – I had presented all the major points about my research and my time was up.
I joined the rest of my friends and fellow competitors in the lecture hall where the evening’s educational program was wrapping up. Soon the grad students were invited to stand at the front. Who would be the lucky winner? I heard Kirivann Chhoeun’s name, and my face lit up! Like me, she is a MCPHS student and I was thrilled that our school was being represented.
Next, the undergraduate students were called to the front. My heart pounded before the winner was announced. Everyone’s research and presentation skills had been so great when I witnessed them in the lobby that they all deserved a chance to win. My name was called and I let out a little gasp. My first thought was “Wow! I’ve never won anything before!”
I was excited and very grateful for the professors and mentors who helped me achieve first place. I was also pleased to know the judges were impressed by my presentation. I look forward to the ISPE Annual Meeting and improving my skills for that day in November when I will get to compete at the international level.
If you do any type of research, I highly recommend that you make a poster and present at next year’s competition. It is a valuable learning experience that every young researcher should have.