Success and Succession
- Posted by John Spohn
- On July 26, 2017
It is with gratitude and humility that I write this post marking the end of my term as Chapter President. Leading the largest Chapter through a year of surpassing excellence has taught me much and left me in awe of what can be accomplished by committed, well-organized volunteers.
Some numbers: 1,700 members, spread over 80,000 square miles in seven states. 178 volunteers working in 13 committees producing 48 events each year, including the flagship Product Show at Gillette Stadium which set all time marks this year with over 3,100 attendees and 400 exhibitors. To be associated in any way with this success and the clever and generous volunteers that make it happen is fantastic. To have been its leader is sublime.
I wrote recently of our work to ensure strong and stable leadership. A consequence of succession is that some of us will conclude our service on the Board of Directors. Such service deserves recognition both for its results and for the hundreds of committed hours it represents:
Past President H. Steven Kennedy served on the board since 2010, played key roles in building the Product Show and the international profile of the Chapter and undertook the foundational work of updating our bylaws and charter.
Dan Rufo has served since 2011 applying a strategic touch of reality to board discussions that needed it. Dan has also undertaken a number of special projects, making himself available wherever needs arose which is a tremendously valuable contribution.
Jared Marshall has served since 2015, coming up through the Young Professionals Committee and most recently chairing the Geographic Outreach Committee – our initiative to push the delivery of member benefits beyond the Boston metro area.
Special recognition is due to Janet Tice. Janet joined the board in 2006 and became Secretary in 2009, serving in that capacity ever since. Janet has overseen the progression from printed newsletter through a first-generation website and electronic newsletter to a new website launching later this year and the Blog. With a deft touch, Janet ‘herded the cats,’ cajoling the content out of the ‘reporters’ from social and educational events, then editing them into shape. She oversaw a series of massive and successful Chapter Excellence applications and the Marketing and Communications study and report that is informing the renovation in all our programs.
To all our departing board members – thank you on behalf of the membership and I hope to see you at an event soon!
As we like to say following a success, “OK, what’s next?” Every event and every initiative, no matter how arduous, magically becomes motivation to improve, expand, innovate. This year five new board members have caught the bug of this contagious energy. Welcome ‘a board’ to you all and on behalf of the membership, thank you for your commitment:
- Christopher Blackwell – Consultant at Hargrove Controls+Automation. Chris chaired the GO Committee and was the Chair of the Providence Hub.
- Edwin Harmon – Director of Manufacturing Operations at LSNE. Edwin is a 25 year member of ISPE
- Cory Siddons – Director of Engineering at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. Cory has contributed on the Student and Young Professionals committees.
- Howard Sneider, CPIP – Process Engineer at CRB. Howard is a long-time member, presenter and most recently chair of the Educational Program Committee.
- Jan Vanselow – Chemical Engineering professional, most recently Associate Cooperative Education Coordinator at Northeastern University. Jan served on the Product Show Committee for three years developing the Career Center feature of the Show. She also facilitated ISPE educational and career development events at Northeastern.
Finally I want to wish to congratulate the newly elected slate of officers for the 2017-2018 term:
- President: Jack Campion, PE – principal at The Hart Companies
- Vice President: Kevin Chronley – Vice President Strategic Planning & Development at A/Z Corp
- Treasurer: Eric Felz – Associate Director, Validation at Shire Pharmaceuticals
- Secretary: Mike Levesque – Lead Validation Engineer at GE Healthcare
Members can be confident that the Chapter is in good hands and can expect more great things in the year to come. Best of luck, colleagues – I’ll see you around the board table.
I cannot resist a footnote: Consider volunteering with ISPE – not just for what you can do for others but what the experience can do for you as well. There are opportunities to try new roles in a supportive environment from which you can develop new skills, confidence, and self knowledge. As Bruce Davis said in accepting the ISPE’s Purdy Distinguished Achievement award: “ISPE, it grows you.”
With kind regards,
John Spohn, CPIP
(Soon to be Past) President
Boston Area Chapter