Welcome New Members May 2024
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On June 14, 2024
We would like to introduce the Members who joined ISPE in May 2024, welcome them to the Chapter, and encourage them (and all our members) to take advantage of the many professional development, networking and information resources available through ISPE. Fellow ISPE members are a terrific resource for help with everyday professional challenges. And the ISPE Membership Directory is a great way to connect with fellow ISPE members. We encourage all members, current and new, to get involved with the Chapter’s many committees, educational programs, and social activities. Visit our website for more information and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for up-to-date information on our industry, Chapter activities and much more. And to all our members, we value your input, so please email us at office@ispeboston.org with your feedback and questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
Alex Adarichev
Keri Avery, Moderna Therapeutics
Derek Bruce, Wave Life Sciences
Sofia Cabrera
Julie Caccamise, Quality Matters Consulting, LLC
Mike Castillo, Metrum Research Group
Joy Xiaohui Chen, Entegris, Inc. (Billerica, MA)
Emily Cohen
Jim Davis
Angel De La Portilla
Michael DeRosa
Ishan Dhoria
Matthew Joseph Ford
Ashna Garikapati, Tufts University
Josh Goettner
Jared A. Hersh
Michelle J Chinnadurai, Northeastern University
Lisa Jazon
Dr. Ashitha George Joseph, Northeastern University
Era Kalaja, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Viswa Kalidindi
Sangeon Kim
Ishwarya Konathala, Northeastern University
Dr. Amit Kumar
Mary-Ivy Zanjam Kunchidi,
Andy Kuvent, Operational Readiness Partners
Doug Lantigua, Validated Cloud, Inc.
Sha Liao
Henry Lisoukov, PurCell Bio, Inc.
Aashna Mahurkar
Garrett Mann, Korsch America Inc
Jessica McRoskey, Meissner Corporation
Savannie Meuk
Nicole Moon
Ugochukwu Kingsley Mozie
Afrah Mujeeb
Saurav Nair, Northeastern University
Abid Neron
Andrew Scott Parker, University of Massachusetts Amherst
James Paull
Dr. Matthew Peterson, Lynda Therapeutics
Atharva Jayant Ramdasi
Corinne Saucier
Jessica Sauve
Karen Scott
Deep Shah, Northeastern University
Maher Shah
Dr. Rohan Krishna Shirodkar, Northeastern University
Shayla Striffler
Keith Tobin, Extreme Packing Solutions
Micaela Tourtellot
Vijaya Lakshmi Vasamsetti
Lorna Velez-Gonzalez, NNUSBPI
Kyle Wood, Arco National Construction | New England
Dengbo Yang, Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Ali Yeyinmen, Validated Cloud