President’s Message: Looking Forward to the Coming Year in ISPE…
- Posted by Jack Campion
- On January 4, 2018
We have much to celebrate and look forward to in 2018.
First, our industry continues to boom, especially in the Boston area. We’re now strongly established as the top biopharma region of the country, having eclipsed the Bay Area some time ago. We all know the reasons – top educational, research and medical institutions, a thriving capital market, and state governments that have placed a high emphasis on promoting life sciences. And one more thing… an awesome talent pool. That’s where ISPE stands out as the place for us in manufacturing to gather, connect, share, learn and advance professionally – while advancing the industry. ISPE members are out front, innovative, working smarter, embracing new technology, challenging the norms – not to mention improving and saving lives in the process.
Second, a big new member benefit – free downloads of the whole set of Good Practice Guides! More information will be shared this month regarding access and login. Meanwhile, click here and browse — Explore ISPE Good Practice Guides
Third, we have an outstanding lineup of programs and parties starting with “The Future of Biotech Automation” at Takeda in Cambridge on January 18, followed by the Winter Social on January 25 at “Game On” near Fenway Park. Ping pongers of all skill levels will have a night to remember! Check out the calendar on the Chapter website for all the programs and events to come.
Fourth, the Women in Pharma initiative. Click the link at right for more info or to get involved.
…and in Life
A new year can be daunting. We sometimes make resolutions because we know we need to make improvements. Actually making them happen in our lives is the tough part. I recently dug through a box of things saved years ago and found this clipping. It’s now on my fridge. (Hint: Start with the one about water and work your way up to the harder ones.)
Have a blessed New Year, all….
Jack Campion
President, ISPE Boston Area Chapter
P.S. “Stopping” on a Snowy Day
It’s snowing heavily outside as I type this. For now, this is “The Blizzard of ‘18” which we will all hopefully survive and maybe get a T-shirt to commemorate it. The best part for me is how the snow slows us down and conjures old images and feelings. Here are a few of mine…
The little boy in Ezra Jack Keats’ story, pondering his trail of footprints and discovering his ability to make snow angels. (When did you last make a snow angel??)
Bing Crosby singing about the couple enjoying the glow of a fire and vowing to “…face unafraid the plans that we made, walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland.”
The horse in Jack Frost’s poem shaking the bells of his master’s reins, anxious to finish the journey and to rest in a sheltered stable.
I hope you’re resting in your “stable” or enjoying a fire’s glow today. And if you decide to brave the elements, be sure to make a snow angel while you’re out….J ☺
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