Call for ISPE Board of Directors Nominations!
- Posted by ISPE Boston
- On February 17, 2023
Do you know a member of ISPE Boston who would be well-suited to serve on the ISPE Boston Area Chapter Board of Directors? In an effort to represent a global view of our industry and to ensure organizational success, it is important we have an appropriately diverse Board of Directors. Diversity is represented in many ways; examples may include gender, business expertise, ethnicity, geographic location and age.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance and strategic direction of our Chapter. Members of the Board are people who know and love our Society, and are dedicated to its growth and longevity. Potential candidates should have most, if not all, of the following characteristics:
- They must be strategic thinkers. The Board is responsible for the Chapter’s long-term planning.
- They must be willing to be ambassadors and communicate on behalf of the Chapter.
- They should be leaders. Leadership within the Chapter is best, but evidence of leadership in business or another professional organization is meaningful.
- They need financial acumen. The Board oversees very substantial revenues.
- They need “business sense.” ISPE is not-for-profit, however we strive for growth to achieve our goals, to innovate new services, and deliver them to more members.
- They must understand the current and future needs and strategies of manufacturers and service providers in the global pharma/biopharma industry, advancing science, technology, and engineering in a highly regulated environment.
- They must be able to commit to spending time working on ISPE issues, and they must be able to attend 10 Board meetings per year and one Chapter Educational and/or Social event per month.
- They must be ISPE Members; any nominee who is not currently an ISPE Member will be required to join the Society before being placed on the ballot.
- They should have sufficient energy and enthusiasm.
- They should possess a deep caring for “professionalism” in general and for the professionals in this industry specifically.
If you know of someone who fits the above description and can expand our Board diversity, I encourage you to reach out to them, confirm their willingness to be considered, and send a completed Nomination Form along with the nominee’s curriculum vitae or resume to office@ispeboston.org by 13 March 2023. Self-nominations will also be considered. (Must be an ISPE Boston Member to serve on the Board of Directors)
CLICK HERE to access the nomination form!