YP Meet-Up: No Shoes, No RSVP, No Problem!
- Posted by Kevin Keating
- On March 3, 2017
Well, maybe shoes would be a good idea after all. But steel toes are optional! The Young Professionals are moving to a new model for social/networking events: the informal meetup. In an effort to supplement our regular networking events, we would like to create a platform for small, after-work meetups to pop up more frequently, and in places that are convenient for Boston Area Chapter Young Professionals. The idea is simple: Young Professionals who are interested in hosting meetups near where they work or live can propose a time and a place, and we’ll get the word out to other YP members. So I’ll start:
7pm March 14 (Pi Day) at the Green Briar Pub in Brighton. See you there!
Don’t worry, the regular events like bowling, the boat cruise and the Red Sox game will still go on as scheduled. The idea behind the YP meetups is to provide a platform for small networking events to form spontaneously. Do you have a favorite spot to hang out after work, and would love the opportunity to meet up with other YPs who live or work in that area? Let’s make it happen! Get in touch with the YPC at yp@ispeboston.org and we can put the word out. We’ll do our best to contribute a committee member as well to pull everyone together and help facilitate conversation. Just because we’re not requiring a formal registration for the event doesn’t mean that it’s not an excellent opportunity to meet new YPs and network!
This new format will also allow the YPC to focus more energy on creating high-quality formal networking and educational events. We have some great events in the pipeline, and we’re working hard to make sure that they are valuable and enjoyable experiences. Check back to the “Student & YP” tab of the blog later for the latest information on upcoming events and YP news.
As for the upcoming event at the Green Briar, I can tell you for sure that it’s going to be an enjoyable event. I can personally vouch for the mac ‘n cheese and fried pickles, and many of our YPC members are planning to attend. There is parking available along Washington Street and in the lot across the street (next to the police station). The pub is also right along the 57 bus route, for those coming by public transportation. Just come on in and look around for the happy faces of the ISPE YPs. Sláinte!
Link: http://www.greenbriarpub.com/
Questions? Contact yp@ispeboston.org